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Kick Assiest Blog
Friday, August 19, 2005
Libtards prod Dems to get nasty on Roberts confirmation
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Dismayed at a well-reported sense among Dems that Roberts is going to be confirmed, liberal groups are demanding that lackey Dems put up a good fight. First out of the gate are Ted Kennedy and Pat Leahy who feed off liberal special interest money and influence like Dracula drinks plasma. This could turn into a litmus test for Dems who have to prove their loyalty to those that got them there, even if it means embarrasing themselves in the process.

Liberal groups push Democrats to fight Roberts

Kennedy, Leahy blast nominee as radical

WASHINGTON - Major liberal groups accused Democratic senators yesterday of showing too little stomach for opposing John Roberts's Supreme Court nomination, saying newly released documents indicate he is much more conservative than many people first thought.

The response was quick and pointed, as two senators unleashed their sharpest criticisms yet of Roberts and sought to assure activists that the battle is far from over.

Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the Judiciary Committee's ranking Democrat, said in a statement: "Those papers that we have received paint a picture of John Roberts as an eager and aggressive advocate of policies that are deeply tinged with the ideology of the far right wing of his party then, and now. In influential White House and Department of Justice positions, John Roberts expressed views that were among the most radical being offered by a cadre intent on reversing decades of policies on civil rights, voting rights, women's rights, privacy, and access to justice."

Leahy, who had previously tread more softly on the Roberts matter, said the White House's refusal to release other documents being sought leaves Roberts "with a heavier burden to carry during his upcoming hearings."

Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Democrat from Massachusetts, the committee's most senior member, also took his criticisms of Roberts to new heights yesterday in a letter to colleagues.

In a further bid to dispel an air of inevitability that liberals feel too many Democrats have embraced, several organizations told allies that they will call for Roberts's rejection this month rather than wait for the Senate hearings to start on Sept. 6, as some members of the anti-Roberts coalition have urged.

The senators and liberal groups were reacting in part to a Washington Post article noting that many Democratic lawmakers have expressed little interest in mounting a strong fight against Roberts, barring unexpected disclosures. The senators' tepid stance has frustrated the organizations, which are important to the party, because they feel the information being gleaned from thousands of documents is starting to portray the nominee as someone considerably more conservative than the justice he would replace, Sandra Day O'Connor.

"What we've seen is breathtaking in his approach to weakening the enforcement of civil rights laws," said Nancy Zirkin of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. "A picture is emerging that Roberts was there every step of the way taking the far right position. . . He is no Sandra Day O'Connor."

Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice, said Democrats who support Roberts could face a voter backlash, particularly if he turns out to be as conservative as the groups contend. "History shows us that voters turned on (then-Illinois Democratic Sen.) Alan Dixon for his vote on Clarence Thomas and voters gave (GOP Sen.) Arlen Specter the toughest re-election of his life," Aron said. If grass-roots voters "are where we expect they'll be around the time of the vote (on Roberts), they'll remember long and hard."

Several liberal activists said they have been told that People For the American Way, the Alliance for Justice, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and other major organizations plan, before Labor Day, to urge Roberts's rejection.

The groups are now highlighting several items found in documents from Roberts's days as a lawyer in the Reagan White House and Justice Department. They include his calling a memorial service for aborted fetuses "an entirely appropriate means of calling attention to the abortion tragedy," and his reference to the legal underpinnings of the right to an abortion as the "so-called 'right to privacy.'" The groups note that Roberts once wrote that a Supreme Court case on prohibiting silent prayer in public schools "seems indefensible." Roberts, they say, had also called a federal court decision that sought to guarantee women equal pay to men "a radical redistributive concept."

In his letter to colleagues, Kennedy said that recently released evidence "shows that he was on or beyond the outer fringe of that extreme group eager to take our law and society back in time on a wide range of issues of individual rights and liberties, and on broad issues of government responsiveness to public needs." For instance, Kennedy said, Roberts "opposed effective voting rights legislation, and wanted to restrict laws vital to battling discrimination by recipients of federal funds."

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, said in a statement: "All this talk about whether Democrats will support the Roberts nomination is laughably premature. ... The White House has so far refused to produce relevant documents, and the documents we have seen raise questions about the nominee's commitment to progress on civil rights."

Responding to Leahy and Kennedy, White House spokesman Steve Schmidt said: "It is disturbing to see the ease with which some senior Democrats are willing to distort Judge Roberts' record and writings as a young lawyer in the Reagan administration."

"Hopefully, these letters do not signal the abandonment of a dignified process by the Democrats," Schmidt added.

Some activists would prefer that liberal organizations withhold judgment until the Senate Judiciary Committee holds its hearings to avoid being labeled as knee-jerk obstructionists. But others worry that the nomination process is starting to look like a coronation just as records from the 1980s are beginning to provide grounds for the tough questioning of Roberts and possibly for votes against his confirmation.

Leahy asked the Reagan library Yesterday to release 478 pages of Roberts-related documents that were withheld this week, noting that portions could be blacked out for privacy reasons if necessary.

With Democrats holding 44 of the Senate's 100 seats, liberal activists concede that it would be extremely difficult to block Roberts' confirmation. But they urged those senators Yesterday to show more openness to the possibility if more documents and the hearings suggest that Roberts is in the mold of conservatives such as Justice Antonin Scalia.

Concord Monitor ~ Washington Post - Charles Babington and Dan Balz ** Liberal groups push Democrats to fight Roberts

Posted by uhyw at 4:24 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 22, 2005 9:17 AM EDT
Thursday, August 18, 2005
A Year Before 9/11, Diplomat Said U.S. 'not Out to Destroy the Taliban'
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

A Year Before 9/11, Diplomat Said U.S. 'not Out to Destroy the Taliban'

WASHINGTON - A year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a U.S. diplomat assured a top official of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban regime that international sanctions on that country would be lifted if it expelled Osama bin Laden, newly declassified documents show.

A State Department memo dated September 2000 also said the United States did not seek to topple the Taliban despite its record of human rights abuses.

The memo was among documents obtained by the National Security Archive, a private research group based at George Washington University, under a Freedom of Information Act request. The group posted the documents on its Web site Thursday.

"The ambassador added that the U.S. was not against the Taliban, per se," and "was not out to destroy the Taliban," Ambassador William B. Milam wrote in the secret cable to Washington. Milam told the Taliban official, whose name is excised from the declassified document, that bin Laden was the main impediment to better relations between the Taliban and the United States.

"If the U.S. and the Taliban could get past bin Laden, we would have a different kind of relationship," Milam said he told the official.

At the time, Washington had no formal diplomatic relations with Afghanistan because concerns over human rights and other abuses by the militant Islamist Taliban regime.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the Bush administration has no comment on the meeting, which took place before President Bush took office.

In his 2000 diplomatic cable, Milam told his bosses that the Taliban official had adopted a "far less obstreperous" tone than usually heard from the Taliban and suggested that the United States do some small favor for Afghanistan to show good will.

The meeting at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, produced no promise from the Taliban to turn over bin Laden, and it is not clear from the material released Thursday what the Clinton administration did next.

Other documents released by the National Security Archive on Thursday chart several years of unsuccessful U.S. attempts to drive bin Laden out of Afghanistan.

At the time of Milam's cable, the United States knew that bin Laden was living under Taliban protection along the Afghan-Pakistani border and running his al-Qaida terror network from Afghanistan. U.S. diplomats had periodic contact with the Taliban to urge his ouster.

The United States had accused bin Laden of orchestrating two embassy bombings that killed Americans in East Africa, but neither he nor his terror network were the household names they became after the jetliner attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.

Shortly after the attacks, U.S. forces helped the Afghan opposition Northern Alliance overthrow the Taliban government and hunt down its leaders. The Bush administration's goal was twofold: Rout bin Laden's protectors and capture bin Laden himself.

Nearly four years after the invasion, a 21,000-member U.S.-led coalition force remains to fight Taliban remnants and keep order despite the emergence of a new U.S.-allied government. Bin Laden is still presumed to be hiding in the same border region.

A surge of violence since winter has killed about 1,000 people - 59 American soldiers among them. Militants have stepped up assaults in the south and east trying to sabotage the country's U.S.-backed recovery.

On the Net: National Security Archive

Tampa Bay Online ~ Anne Gearan - Associated Press ** A Year Before 9/11, Diplomat Said U.S. 'not Out to Destroy the Taliban'

Posted by uhyw at 7:37 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:43 PM EDT
Fun Facts - Fewer Americans visiting Canada
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Stats Can: Fewer Americans visiting Canada

OTTAWA - Travel to Canada fell to its lowest level in nearly a year in June, mainly because fewer Americans were making same-day car trips north of the border, Statistics Canada reports.

A slight drop in the number of American visitors more than offset a gain in travel from overseas countries, which rose for a seventh consecutive month.

A total of 3.1 million people visited Canada in June, down 0.1 per cent from May.

Just over 2.7 million Americans visited, down 0.4 per cent from a month earlier.

There were 398,000 overseas visitors, up 1.6 per cent from May.

Canoe - CNews ** Stats Can: Fewer Americans visiting Canada

Posted by uhyw at 7:15 PM EDT
Oregon?s pro-life Democrats using charmed moment to try to change party... good luck !
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Small numbers of pariahs, pro-life Dems loyal to a party obsessed with abortion, are emboldened. One pro-life group of Oregon Dems thinks they can make a change. Best of luck.

Oregon's pro-life Democrats using charmed moment to try to change party
By Ed Langlois

Their political party aims to stand up for the little guy, and it only seems natural to them that unborn children are included.

Pro-life Democrats, long seen as gadflies by party leaders, have gained more respect since the 2004 presidential election. Large numbers of voters said that moral issues, abortion high among them, drew their allegiance to Republicans. That has caused the likes of Howard Dean and Sen. Hilary Clinton to utter welcome where before there was silence. Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, who supported the partial-birth-abortion ban, unborn crime victims' legislation, and banning abortions at overseas military facilities, was even chosen this year as U.S. Senate majority leader.

The founder of Democrats for Life was in Oregon last week trying to organize and energize members, about half of whom are Catholic. Meetings took place in Portland, Salem and Eugene.

"People know the abortion issue is sinking the party," says Carol Crossed, a longtime peace-and-justice activist who helped revitalize Democrats for Life two years ago. "I was going into the voting booth and having trouble voting for Democrats. I asked myself, 'What is wrong with this picture?'"

A member of Queen of Peace Parish in Rochester, N.Y., Crossed says she agrees with the Democrats on almost everything except life issues and disagrees with Republicans on almost everything except life issues.

She has no comfortable political home.

As the 2004 elections neared, she and others feared and predicted just what happened. The Democrats would lose, in large part because of the loss of pro-lifers whose consciences were on alert.

Crossed and many other longtime Democrats say their party has been "bought out" by the pro-choice lobby over the past 30 years.

"I think we are the Democratic party's best friend," Crossed said last week, just after arriving in Portland by train. "Our message is going to help the party recover."

The group opposes capital punishment, assisted suicide, euthanasia and abortion — the last being the most politically charged.

"It’s not a religious issue, it's a moral issue religious people care about," Crossed says.

The aim, says Democrats for Life literature, is to "reverse the party's intensely pro-abortion position."

The group's polls say 47 percent of Democrats believe there should be restrictions on abortion. With that critical mass, a team of eight congressional Democrats have proposed legislation for reducing the number of abortions by 95 percent in 10 years.

The package includes family planning, regulating abortion, economic security, child care and adoption support.

Democrats for Life of America is one of more than 200 member organizations of Consistent Life, an international network promoting peace, justice and life.

There are only about 20,000 registered members of Democrats for Life, but they say they represent 47 percent of the party. Forty-one states have formed organizations of pro-life Democrats.

"I am one of the few pro-life people I know who refuses to leave the Democratic Party," says Ward Ricker of Eugene, president of the Oregon chapter's board of directors. "This hemorrhaging from the party can only be plugged by demanding that our pro-life views are heard."

Ricker says that current goals for the Oregon group include outreach and organizing. Members have also contacted state lawmakers to support pro-life legislation.

Jackie Pynes, a 68-year-old member of St. Mary Parish in Eugene, says she has long been tempted to leave the party she has belonged to since the 1950s. Abortion was not a political issue when she cast her first presidential vote for John F. Kennedy.

Now she sometimes votes Republican, but remains a Democrat because of the party's allegiance to workers.

"The Democrats caved in on some principles," she says. "And that needs to change. But I have the feeling we are the party that can work best for the common good."

Pynes has joined Democrats for Life as a way to educate the public about the problems with abortion.

Garth Bachman, a Scappoose electrician and a longtime member of Holy Cross Parish, says he is pro-labor, pro-social programs and pro-life.

"I don’t like to vote for pro-choice candidates," says the Columbia County Democratic precinct committee chairman.

"First, we want to reduce the number of abortions in Oregon," Bachman says. "We'll work to find and elect pro-life Democrats for public office."

Bachman is glad that some Democratic leaders are opening the door to pro-lifers.

"Before, they didn't even acknowledge us," he says. "There are people in their own party who think this has gone way too far. The Democratic party in general has cared about common people. The abortion thing has taken over so much that people don't see the good things the Democratic party still does."

Susan Swander of Waldport wants to work for change in the party from the inside. A novice to party politics, she is appealing to bravery.

"A lot of those folks — the Clintons and Kerry and I'm sure others — are really pro-life, but it's political suicide. They are chicken," says the self-described former hippie.

Swander, a member of St. Anthony Parish and Sacred Heart in Newport, feels embarrassed when people assume she is pro-choice because she's a Democrat.

"My party is supposed to care about the weak and the oppressed," she says. "You can't get more weak and oppressed than a vulnerable human being in the womb."

Leaders among the Democrats aren't sure what to make of their pro-life peers. Kelly Steele, spokesman for the Oregon Democratic Party, had not heard of the group before. After doing some research, Steele said, "The Democratic party is a big tent party. There is room for other voices."

Pressed on whether the party would support a pro-life candidate in Oregon, Steele said the discussion would be welcome, but Democratic leaders will "continue to support a woman's right to make her own reproductive health decisions." People in line with the Bush administration on abortion would not be likely to get support from the Oregon Democratic Party, Steele said.

Steele made the claim that Republicans have used abortion as a "wedge issue" to draw off voters.

"Democrats are interested in discussing ways to reduce abortion," Steele says.

Steele calls the Catholic vote "critically important" and says that Democrats can rightfully make a claim for it.

"Inasmuch as Catholics stand for social justice and in helping folks in poverty and living by the teachings of the Bible, the Democratic Party is the one that stands for that," he says.

The pro-life wing of the Democratic party made an attempt at national leadership earlier this year. Tim Roemer, former congressman from Indiana, campaigned for the chairmanship.

"We have made more progress in the Democratic Party on the abortion issue in the last six months than we have in the past 30 years," Roemer said at a Democrats for Life dinner this summer.

The former 9-11 panel commissioner told the audience that society "can no longer tolerate a situation where we have as many abortions in this country a year as people dying due to terrorism and war in the world."

Portland, Oregon - Catholic Sentinel ~ Ed Langlois ** Oregon’s pro-life Democrats using charmed moment to try to change party

Posted by uhyw at 6:58 PM EDT
She's a uniter! Cindy Sheehan brings together Israel haters from all over, including neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and racist extremists
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

The left, especially the 'peace' movement, shares something important with populist scumbags claiming to be conservatives. Both are deeply anti-Israel and many are anti-Semitic. Here is some advice, if you wonder if your positions are right then look at your bedfellows. The Dem party is chock-full of bad allies: crooked unions, felons, busy-bodies, child perverts and dead voters. This article tells you about their newest friends.

American Nazi Idol

By Ben Johnson

LAST NIGHT THERE WERE 1,500 CANDLELIGHT VIGILS FOR CINDY SHEEHAN AND ONE BURNING CROSS. Sheehan has become the poster girl for the antiwar Left, because her status as a grieving mother renders the 48-year-old Vacaville, California, native more sympathetic than Medea Benjamin, Ramsey Clark, or Michael Moore (whose website hosts Sheehan’s blog). However, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and racist extremists have also begun gathering around the Gold Star Families for Peace founder.

Leading the parade is none other than "former" Klansman David Duke. Duke recently authored the article, "Why Cindy Sheehan is Right!" in which the "fiery" politician criticizes an article written by little ol' me. The convicted fraud writes, "A recent article on David Horowitz's FrontPage [Magazine] and repeated by many pro-Israel zealots dares to compare her with that incorrigible American, me." It is true in my article I stated Sheehan's over-the-top rhetoric "echoes the line being taken by David Duke and his ilk at their most recent recruiting website, NoWarForIsrael.com" - a point Duke concedes. On his August 14 web broadcast, the alleged plastic surgery aficionado read an e-mail Cindy Sheehan sent to the producer of Ted Koppel?s "Nightline," in which she wrote:

my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC [Project for a New American Century] Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel.

After reading these words, Duke exclaimed, "Boy, it sounds exactly like the things I've been writing, doesn?t it?" Other commentators agreed.

Cindy Sheehan now dismisses the e-mail in question, although she does not renounce its contents. In Tuesday?s blog, she wrote, "Another 'big deal' today was the lie that I had said that Casey died for Israel. I never said that, I never wrote that." Instead, she says, the phony e-mail was yet another neo-con conspiracy! Blowing the lid off this cover-up, she writes:

I wrote the letter because I was upset at the way Ted treated me when I appeared at a "Nightline" Town Hall meeting in January right after the inauguration. I felt that Ted had totally disrespected me. I wrote the letter to Ted [sic.; his name is Tom] Bettag and cc'd a copy to the person who gave me Ted's address. I believe he changed the e-mail and sent it out to capitalize on my new found [sic.] notoriety by promoting his own agenda.

Ah yes, that infamous conservative mainstream media bias. Don't hold your breath waiting for Cindy Sheehan to come forward with an exculpatory "original" e-mail, though. As the blog Sweetness and Light pointed out, Sheehan's e-mail to "Nightline" was posted online by a man named Tony Tesh in mid-March, months before anyone had ever heard of her. This was months before she developed her "new found notoriety" among such as Duke.

This would also be in keeping with a long history of her past statements. One person has reported Sheehan thundered during one of her speeches:

Iraq wasn't going to attack America or nuke America. But Iraq was a threat ? to Israel. That was the real threat and had been for 15 years. But for the U.S. government, this was the threat that couldn't speak its name. Europe doesn't care much about that threat. And the U.S. government didn't think they should lean too much on it, because going to war to protect Israel wouldn't be popular.

If accurate, this would be as damning as the "lie" Ted Koppel's producer allegedly interpolated into her e-mail?and it would win her more friends among the racist fringe.

Thanks to the internet, Sheehan's popularity among the armband brigades is spreading like fire creeping up a moonlit cross. On the web's premier hate website, Stormfront.org, Duke supporter James Kelso (whose screen name is "Charles A. Lindbergh") posted a link to a video message from Cindy Sheehan entitled, "Mr. President, you lied to us."

Cindy is also popular at the American Nationalist Union. ANU is run by Don Wassall, former national chairman of the Populist Party, a racist third party organized in 1984 by Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby, in 1988, the party nominated David Duke for president. ANU's Nationalist News section links to four articles supporting Cindy Sheehan, including a delightful link to an article on Justin Raimondo's Hate America Right website Antiwar.com about Christopher Hitchens: "Drink-Soaked Trotskyite Popinjay Slimes Antiwar Mom."

Duke is not the only figure on the White Wing to embrace Sheehan. The explicitly Nazi National Socialist Movement backs her, as well. NSM "Commander" Jeff Schoep entitled one recent radio broadcast "NSM SUPPORTS CINDY SHEEHAN," then devoted a second broadcast to Sheehan the next day.

The racist website Altermedia.info jumped on the bandwagon early, posting multiple articles hailing Cindy Sheehan. One article, written under the pen name "Charles Coughlin," dubbed the menopausal valley girl "The Rosa Parks of the Peace Movement," an awkward metaphor considering the source. Another article, authored by "James Buchanan" (another great Democrat), hinted the "Neo-Cons" had solicited the services of the redneck who fired shots into the air within earshot of Sheehan and her leftist Big Top.

Another article written by the late Fr. Coughlin's acolyte, "Woman Loses Son in Iraq; Neocons Treat her Like Dirt," also made its way on Stormfront.org's discussion forum, inspiring 14 pages of commentary. The very first respondent, neo-Nazi "Reichmann88," [1] wrote:

This lady sounds like a potential WN ["WN" is short for "White Nationalist" ? BJ]. I'll bet she has no clue about Israel's involvement in her sons death. Sad indeed!! May God Bless Her!

Reichmann need not worry; it appears Sheehan "knew."

Another Stormfront contributor commented, "If there are any Texas WN units nearby Mrs. Cindy Sheehan they should reach out to hear [sic.]." When another message claimed Sheehan "probably would spit in your face if you approached her with WN," forum member "Messiah" assured:

I've known Cindy for over a year now, and no, she wouldn't spit in anyone's face for what they said....while she's not a WN, she?s a decent person who resents deeply what Bush has done with his lies in creating this war, and using the US for Israel's interests. I feel like she does about these Neo Con/Israel created wars.

And evidently she reciprocates the sentiments of this racist scumbag.

The racist adulation continues. As of this morning, the Vanguard News Network linked to Sheehan?s "Nightline" e-mail and classified her as someone "putting America before Israel." (This is located above a link to Antiwar.com.) The racist news site Whitewire.com also comments favorably on Sheehan. (The only link on Whitewire.com that is not to a white supremacist website goes to Al-Jazeera.)

National Vanguard, an off-shoot of the recently splintered neo-Nazi organization National Alliance, posted some of Cindy Sheehan's writings on its website, a reality anticipated by a reader of our blog, Moonbat Central. Also noted approvingly the Republican Jewish Coalition opposes Sheehan (which proves she's OK). When one NV reader objected to his fellow white supremacists, the editors wrote:

All of us understand Mrs. Sheehan's limitations. We hope she overcomes them. Whatever mistakes she has made or will make, and whatever defects in her understanding, however, her story is a moving testament to the horrible injustice and irreparable harm done to our people by the Jewish supremacists. And it is also a story of pluck and courage and the great good that one person can do.

Far from distancing herself from these hatemongers, she has praised some of their work. In a podcast held live from Camp Crawford hosted by Howard Dean's former campaign Joe Trippi, Sheehan praised the work of "journalist" Greg Szymanski, who has covered Sheehan for the UFO website ArcticBeacon.com and the American Free Press. At the time of the call, the Drudge Report had uncovered Sheehan's conflicting statements about her first meeting with President Bush. In the call, Sheehan lauded Szymanski's journalistic integrity, stating, "Your account, that you wrote, is a true one." Szymanski wrote two accounts of her meeting with the president, as well as numerous articles for the American Free Press ? including one questioning whether the Bush administration was involved in 9/11. AFP is the newest incarnation of THE SPOTLIGHT newspaper, which the Anti-Defamation League classifies as "the most widely read publication on the fringe Right." Both were published by Liberty Lobby, an organization with ties to neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism that is "presently the most influential right-wing extremist propaganda organization in the United States." Sheehan is appreciative of at least some of their journalists' "true" work. One must say, at a minimum, her love for radical nutjobs does not discriminate.

Racists and the Left: The Other Unholy Alliance

Cindy Sheehan's newfound, seemingly mutual love for anti-Semitic, racist, and neo-Nazi extremists draws attention to one overlooked fact: the racial extremist movement has been moving steadily Left in recent years. The rhetoric on many of these websites is indistinguishable from that prevalent on leftist anti-Bush websites. For instance, David Duke writes of Cindy Sheehan:

It was criminal to send her son to die for a lie.

There were no weapons of mass destruction, no nuclear program, no uranium from Niger, no links with Al Qaeda, no imminent threat to the American people. Every reason the American people were given for going to war has turned out to be a lie.

As Bill Clinton might have said, if you didn't know that sentence originated with Duke, "you might think Hillary Clinton was giving that speech." Duke goes further, quoting leftist hero, former Ambassdor Joseph C. Wilson III:

A more cynical reading of the agenda of certain Bush advisers could conclude that the Balkanization of Iraq was always an acceptable outcome, because Israel would then find itself surrounded by small Arab countries worried about each other instead of forming a solid block against Israel.

Thus, it should have surprised no one when Duke endorsed John Kerry for President last fall, yet somehow it did not make national headlines.

Again, the move to the Left is not confined to David Duke. White Aryan Resistance nutcase Tom Metzger portrayed himself as a tendy, California environmentalist, liberal, and atheist years ago. The slick tactics are now trickling down through the racist movement. In one of the laudatory pro-Sheehan pieces on Altermedia, "Charles Coughlin" writes, "It is the job of all patriotic Americans to attack politicians who abuse the military sending soldiers off to fight wars for Israel and Halliburton." (Emphasis added.) National Vanguard has lionized London?s far-Left mayor "Red" Ken Livingstone. National Alliance has suggested soldiers pass out white supremacist literature, an infraction of military rules, in order to get sent home; this echoes the plans of Medea Benjamin and Leslie Cagan's Baghdad-based International Occupation Watch to accomplish the same goal by having soldiers declare themselves conscientious objectors.

Examining the rhetoric of Cindy Sheehan alone would make this anti-Jew/anti-Bush alliance understandable. She has screeched, "You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll end terrorism." She challenged President Bush to tell her "the truth": "You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana, imperialism in the Middle East." She has also called the Iraq war "blatant genocide." Her "Neo-Con" conspiracy theories perfectly match those of the Nazis; they well understand "neo-con" means Jewish, or as Duke calls them, "Jewish Supremacists."

National Alliance has been the source of similar-sounding rhetoric. NA declared, "That term 'vital U.S. interests' must kill thousands of people every year?our government has such an enormous infection of Jewish influence, that there is virtually no place on the planet safe from 'vital U.S. interests.'" Like the Left, the neo-Nazi group ? whose founder's book The Turner Diaries had inspired Timothy McVeigh - claims America commits "terrorism" all around the world in the form of covert operations.

Why have the Nazis adored and adopted Cindy Sheehan? Ultimately, Cindy Sheehan reminds on, appropriately enough, of a character from "The Twilight Zone." In the memorable episode "He's Alive," Dennis Hopper portrays a young neo-Nazi leader who gets deadly advice from an ominous adviser. When it becomes clear the shadowy figure who has been guiding and supporting his work is the ghost of Adolf Hitler, Hopper asks, "Why me?" Hitler responds that it was Hopper who had chosen him, repeating his rhetoric and slogans. Today, it is Cindy Sheehan and the whole of the Left repeating the Nazis? conspiratorial ravings, as the Democratic Party draws her person and her poisonous rhetoric into an ever-closer embrace.


1. "88" is a popular shorthand among neo-Nazis. The number "8" corresponds to the letter "H," and "HH" is short for "Heil Hitler." Journalist Andy Oakley produced a book entitled 88. Years before the internet, toothless rednecks were already dumbing down the language.

Front Page Magazine ~ Ben Johnson ** American Nazi Idol

Posted by uhyw at 4:45 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:36 PM EDT
The latest from Cindy ''windy'' Shee-Taliban... is yet more whacko libtard ranting
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories


"We are not waging a war on terror in this country. We're waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush!"

So declared Cindy Sheehan earlier this year during a rally at at San Francisco State University.

Sheehan, who is demanding a second meeting with Bush, stated: "We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now."

Sheehan unleashed a foul-mouth tirade on April 27, 2005:

"They’re a bunch of fucking hypocrites! And we need to, we just need to rise up..." Sheehan said of the Bush administration.

"If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bullshit, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free?"

"The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it's so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go to this war."

Drudge Report Exclusive ** Cindy Unleashed: 'The Biggest Terrorist in the World is George W. Bush'

I got to laugh at the libtards who bitch that the Bush twins need to be in Iraq... Just like I remember them demanding Chelsea cart her sorry ass to Kosovo and Bosnia.

Posted by uhyw at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:16 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Former Dem: ''Dude, Who Stole My Party?''
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Columns

A former Dem wrote this piece talking about the splintering of the Democratic party and the flight of the conservative and moderate Dems.

Dude, Who Stole My Party?

I have a confession to make. It should be made public now, before Dan Rather and the 60 Minutes Team shows up at my door with documents about my past that, although forged, are still accurate. I admit, now and publicly, that I was a Democrat, for more years than I should have been.

I was born just after World War II ended, so I am in the front line of the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation. Growing up Catholic in Chicago, of Irish and German heritage, I was of course brought up to be a Daley Democrat. The most powerful person in my neighborhood wasn't the Mayor, Governor, or President. Neither was the Alderman, Senator or Congressional Representative. Not even the Parish Priest was the most powerful or influential person to my family and all the others in my near North neighborhood. No, the person most recognized as a person of authority and influence was the ward heeler, our Democratic Precinct Captain.

Have a streetlight out? Need a job for your brother-in-law, so he and your sister can move out of your attic? Garbage pickup missed your house? Local bully picking on your child? Son needs a recommendation to get into a Union Trade School? All of these problems, and more, were within the purview of the Precinct Captain. He had the ‘clout’ (a Chicago word often misused and misunderstood by persons without a Chicago background) to get things done for you. Your only responsibility was to turn out and vote on every Election Day, and be sure to vote correctly.

Actually, there were three political parties in Chicago back in the forties, fifties and early to mid sixties. You could belong to the Conservative Democrats, Moderate or Centrist Democrats, or Liberal Democrats. I don’t think I heard anything about the Republican Party until I entered High School. Local politicking was fun, because there were so many cat fights between the three Democratic Parties. However, when it came to election time, the votes went to the Democratic candidate for whatever office was being contested, whether he or she was a Liberal, Moderate or Conservative. Accommodation, compromise and reality checks with the actual voters eventually arrived at platforms and candidates that were acceptable to all views within the Chicago Democratic Party.

I was very comfortable while a Democrat, because I could maintain my liberal inclination on social issues, moderate views on fiscal policies, and conservative views on crime, defense and foreign policy. The Democratic Party of my youth and early adulthood was a three winged bird, and had diversity in its makeup long before diversity became just another buzzword. But shortly after the mid sixties, a terrible event occurred that has repercussions that are felt today. Sometime during this period, SOMEONE STOLE MY DEMOCRATIC PARTY!

I don’t know if it was a plot engineered by Gene McCarthy, George McGovern, Ed Muskie and the Massachusetts wing of Liberals Gone Wild; but suddenly, the Democrats became an exclusively Liberal Club with a progressive and secular agenda, rather than a representative Political Party. My own doubts began with the Democratic led opposition to the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act. It was Republican support that enabled these important bills to pass. This was followed by the withdrawal of support for American troops by the Democrats in the late sixties. I then began to evaluate the direction the party was going. After involving America in a war in which I lost friends, the Democratic Administration's lack of a win strategy, and subsequent actions by the Democratic Congress to insure the defeat of South Vietnam while disparaging our military, gave me reason to question the new attitude of the Democratic Party. And this began while a Democrat held the presidency. While Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement certainly had an impact, the change was too rapid for the dramatic shift to the Left to be the result of only those two issues. I'm not sure what other forces drove this turn to the far left, but suddenly, I was disenfranchised from the party in which I was raised. The divorce became final when the Democrats adopted the unrestricted abortion on demand plank in their official platform.

Rapid though this change was, it was not apparent to the media (or at least not reported on) until the unexpected first Reagan election, and his subsequent landslide re-election. The phenomenon of the Reagan Democrat seems to have been a surprise to many, but it shouldn't have. Not since Lyndon Johnson had there been a Democratic candidate for the Presidency who could balance Liberal, Moderate and Conservative tendencies within the Democratic electorate. The swing to radical liberal stances on all issues had become entrenched by 1980. As I recall, that was when the term “knee jerk liberal” came into vogue. The only successful Democratic candidate for President since 1980 was Bill Clinton, and he rode the moderate or centrist vote, never voicing any opinion that might be considered too liberal. Clinton never took a stand on anything without first checking with focus groups and conducting numerous polls.

Lets fast forward to 2004. Why are Zell Miller and Ed Koch considered such oddities? That a Democrat would abandon his Party's Presidential candidate, and support a Conservative Republican (although many Conservatives would say GWB is not a Conservative) should not be a surprise. Like me, Senator Miller and Mayor Koch both came from a Democratic Party that had three wings, so they could work to incorporate the views they held on specific issues, while remaining among the Party faithful. However, like me, Zell and Ed did not abandon the Democrats. The Democrats abandoned us, verbally burning us at the stake for not towing the party line. When the shift to the left became the only acceptable view within the Democratic Party, our own Party disinherited both moderates and conservatives. The most prominent person of the last quarter of a century to travel this route was President Reagan himself. A Democrat when he arrived in Hollywood, and still a Democrat when he was President of the Screen Actors Guild, he became Governor of California as a Republican. When asked why he left the Democratic Party, he replied that he had not. Rather, he said, the Democrats had left him.

I am now a Registered Republican, since I seem to favor more Republican candidates then Democrats. I want to be part of both the Caucus system, and the Primary system here in Iowa, so I must choose between Democratic and Republican registration. However, I consider myself more of a Conservative Independent with a slight Libertarian bent, as I have not voted a straight ticket in any election since the Democrats left me with no way to express my beliefs. I wonder how Democrats like Henry (Scoop) Jackson and others of his mien would react to the new Democratic Party of howlers like Howard Dean, anti military propagandists like Dick Durban, and blame America first proponents like Ted Kennedy. Would they also switch to Republican, or perhaps Independent status? An interesting question, but one that I am not qualified to answer. What I do know is that the Republicans seem to have room for Moderates, Liberals and Conservatives, while the Democratic Party does not.

While a three winged bird may appear odd, it is still more likely to fly than a bird with only one wing. That may be why the Republicans have a brighter future than the Democrats.

Mens News Daily ~ Blog Wonks - Guest Commentary, Tom Glennon ** Dude, Who Stole My Party?

Posted by uhyw at 9:27 PM EDT
ACLU boss likened praying school board to terrorists
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Yep. Mama always said that if you lead your school board meeting with prayer, that's tantamount to killing 3000 innocent people.

This is pretty funny. Seeing as how the rest of us liken the ACLU to al-Queda.

Praying school board likened to terrorists

ACLU boss compares officials to 'people who flew the airplanes into the buildings'

A local ACLU director equated al-Qaida terrrorists with members of a Louisiana school board seeking to open their meetings with prayer.

Joe Cook of the ACLU of Louisiana spoke on camera with WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge, La., while staff and teachers of the Tangipahoa Parish district in New Orleans were at a seminar being informed of their free-speech rights by a member of the Alliance Defense Fund.

Referring to the school board, Cook said, "They believe that they answer to a higher power, in my opinion. Which is the kind of thinking that you had with the people who flew the airplanes into the buildings in this country, and the people who did the kind of things in London."

Mike Johnson, senior counsel and southeastern regional coordinator for the Alliance Defense Fund, said Cook has become increasingly outlandish in his statements.

"It shows the ACLU has become more and more extreme and marginalized," said Johnson. "So, to that extent, I like it when he talks, because he simply reveals who they are."

Johnson said the ACLU tries to "come across as champions of liberty, but the truth of the matter is they are extremists."

"It's clear in a number of recent cases that the ACLU of Louisiana wants to impose a radical form of secularism that the Constitution doesn't require, and frankly, that people of this state are not willing to accept," Johnson said.

The local ACLU has filed three lawsuits in the past 10 years on behalf of "offended parents" with children in the Tangipahoa Parish district.

The board is appealing a federal judge's ruling that prayers at its regular meetings violate the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution, which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

The board – which has opened each of its meetings with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, for more than 30 years – argues the invocations impose no restriction on any religious viewpoint, and any person who wants to lead the prayer may do so regardless of his religious beliefs.

In 2003, however, a parent of two high school students in the district, represented by the ACLU, filed a lawsuit claiming the invocations were unconstitutional.

The trial judge recognized it is constitutional for legislative or deliberative bodies to begin meetings with prayer, but she ruled the principle did not apply to the school board.

The ACLU says, "The school board's consistent defiance of the law not only dishonors and endangers the Constitution, but it also sends a message of religious intolerance and polarizes the community."

In April, the ACLU of Louisiana filed a motion for criminal contempt against the board for allegedly defying a court order banning official prayer at athletic events.

In March, the local ACLU also asked a judge to hold the board in contempt for allowing an elementary school student to recite the Lord's Prayer before its meeting.

Public prayer at school-related functions is "un-American and immoral," Cook said at the time.

"Public schools should be kept inclusive and secular in keeping with our founders' ideas for religious liberty for all," said Cook. "Because public schools are part of the government, official school-organized or school-sponsored devotional exercises are inconsistent with the principle of religious freedom."

Cook made his comments to the New Orleans TV station while the ADF's Johnson was providing in-service training to the district's 1,500 staff and teachers, outlining the legal parameters in which they can express religious faith in a public school setting.

"What [the ACLU desires] is to remove all religious expression from the public square," Johnson said. "But the people of Louisiana are not along for that ride. [Cook] has a very different vision for the country that the people here do. Traditional family values and religious liberty are still things held in high regard here. When he comes forward with this message, there is a backlash."

Johnson said most of the seminar amounted to going through the Department of Education guidelines on prayer in schools.

Any school receiving federal funding through the No Child Left Behind Act must commit to the guidelines each year, but the information rarely is passed down to the classroom, Johnson said.

The guidelines – first issued in 1995 under President Clinton and most recently revised by the Bush adminstration in 2003 – essentially say students and teachers maintain their rights to free speech and religious expression on campus.

All religious express that is student-led and not a material disruption to the school program must be allowed, Johnson emphasized.

Public schools must be neutral toward religion and allow equal access to student media outlets and facilities for after-hours events. If a math club can use a classroom, a religious-oriented one can use one too, Johnson said.

Related stories:
ACLU fights school board's prayers
ACLU: Jail school officials for prayer
ACLU: Punish officials for 'un-American' prayer

World Net Daily.com ** Praying school board likened to terrorists

Posted by uhyw at 7:32 PM EDT
Limbaugh's lawyers win ruling that may imperil case
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Limbaugh's lawyers win ruling to fight questioning of doctor

Palm Beach County prosecutors wanted to ask one of Rush Limbaugh's doctors Tuesday morning about the radio host's prescription drug use, but Limbaugh's attorneys won a last-minute court ruling that could jeopardize the future of the investigation.

A Palm Beach County judge ruled Tuesday that prosecutors couldn't question any of Limbaugh's doctors without first notifying Limbaugh. That would give Limbaugh's lawyers a chance to fight the subpoena issued to question the doctor and to raise privacy concerns before a judge.

Limbaugh, 54, a Palm Beach resident, has not been charged with any crimes. He has been under investigation for suspected doctor shopping -- secretly obtaining overlapping prescriptions in a 30-day period.

Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office spokesman Michael Edmondson would not comment on the development. A spokesman for Limbaugh attorney Roy Black said Black would not comment.

The Tuesday ruling goes back to some of the same issues that have swirled around the investigation since it became public in October 2003. Tuesday apparently was the first time prosecutors attempted to interview any of Limbaugh's doctors.

Limbaugh waged an 18-month legal battle to prevent prosecutors from reviewing his medical records, which were seized in late 2003. Prosecutors used search warrants to seize records from three Florida doctors and a California physician. Black contended that prosecutors should have subpoenaed the records, giving Limbaugh a chance to contest it before a judge.

An appeals court ruled for prosecutors, and the Florida Supreme Court declined to hear the case. The case was then assigned to Palm Beach Circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull, who issued the search warrants. He reviewed the sealed records last month and turned some of them over to prosecutors.

Those records were limited to a time frame set out by prosecutors in the search warrants. Prosecutors cited prescriptions Limbaugh received between March 2003 and September 2003, when pharmacy records show Limbaugh picked up 1,733 hydrocodone pills, 90 OxyContin pills, 50 Xanax tablets and 40 pills of time-release morphine.

Circuit Judge Kenneth Stern issued Tuesday's ruling in Barkdull's absence.

Black said in a court filing that state law prohibits anyone from questioning a doctor about a patient's medical condition without obtaining the patient's permission. Black also said he should be able to sit in on any questioning of Limbaugh's doctors "to invoke [Limbaugh's] doctor-patient privilege on a question-by-question basis."

Among the options prosecutors can consider are to ask Barkdull to review Stern's ruling or take the case back to the appeals courts.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel ~ Peter Franceschina ** Limbaugh's lawyers win ruling to fight questioning of doctor

Posted by uhyw at 3:39 PM EDT
U.N. Bankrolled Latest Anti-Israel Propaganda
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

United Nations Bankrolled Latest Anti-israel Propaganda

The United Nations bankrolled the production of thousands of banners, bumper stickers, mugs, and T-shirts bearing the slogan "Today Gaza and Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem," which have been widely distributed to Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip, according to a U.N. official.

The U.N. support of the Palestinian Authority's propaganda operation in the midst of the Israeli evacuation of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip has provoked outrage from Israeli and Jewish leaders, who are blaming Turtle Bay for propagating an inflammatory message that they say encourages Palestinian Arab violence.

"The intifada worked. That's contextually what this message is saying," the director of U.N. affairs for the Washington-based Jewish organization B'nai Brith, Amy Goldstein, said.

The Arabic slogan, which refers to disputed territories of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, has become ubiquitous in Gaza, where Israeli soldiers this week are evacuating 21 settlements. It's served as the central message of a Palestinian Arab effort to spin the withdrawal as a victory.

A special representative of the United Nations Development Program in the Gaza Strip, Timothy Rothermel, told Fox News that his office provided financial support for the production of materials that make up the Palestinian Authority's propaganda campaign, timed to coincide with the Gaza pullout. The Palestinian Authority's withdrawal committee developed and produced the posters and other items using U.N. money, Mr. Rothermel said.

In addition to the slogan "Today Gaza and Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem," many of the materials displayed the logo of the United Nations Development Program, which operates in 166 countries and spends about half a billion dollars a year.

Asked by a Fox News correspondent about one of the banners bearing the words implying an impending Palestinian Arab takeover of the disputed areas, Mr. Rothermel, said, "That particular poster was prepared by the disengagement office with financial support from the United Nations Development Program."

UNDP officials at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, however, denied that money from the program went directly to the propaganda campaign.

A UNDP spokesman, William Orme, said his office gave money to the Palestinian Withdrawal Committee to "help the Palestinian Authority communicate to the populace about the withdrawal and its economic and social impact."

The money was funneled to the committee through a subagency called Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People. U.N. officials were not told about the propaganda campaign or about the slogan, he said.

The director of international affairs for the American Jewish Congress and a Sun op-ed columnist, David Twersky, criticized the UNDP for failing to better track their funds.

"How come they don't know what's happening to their money?" he said. "Where's the audit? Where's the transparency? How could responsible U.N. officials living off of tax dollars have the chutzpah to say I don't know what they're spending their money on?"

New York-based U.N. officials learned of the slogan, Mr. Twesky said, when they received a letter of complaint on Monday from the American Jewish Congress. The letter, signed by the chairman of the American Jewish Congress, Jack Rose, said the United Nations "has no business paying the costs of this propaganda." The letter was addressed to the development program's new administrator, Kemal Dervis.

Mr. Orme, who said his office was investigating the details of the letter, refused to say whether the United Nations stands behind the slogan printed on the propaganda materials.

He said: "We are emphatically neutral ...We do not lend ourselves to political messaging in favor of any particular faction or ideology."

Mr. Rothermel, in the Fox News interview, argued that the slogan, which predicts an Israeli disengagement from the West Bank and, presumably, East Jerusalem, is a message that is "consistent with the relevant U.N. resolutions and Security Council resolutions about the status of Palestine."

A former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Dore Gold, said the funding of the propaganda campaign is "simply outrageous."

"The West Bank is disputed territory under U.N. Security Council Resolution 242. The U.N. has no business getting involved in sloganeering to call on the Palestinians to also take tomorrow the West Bank and East Jerusalem," Mr. Gold told Fox News.

The Palestinian Authority's top leaders have echoed the slogan in recent public comments. "The process of national struggle will continue until we reach Jerusalem and celebrate there and in the West Bank," its prime minister, Ahmed Qurei, said. according to a report in the Jerusalem Post.

New York Sun ~ Jacob Gershman ** United Nations Bankrolled Latest Anti-israel Propaganda

Posted by uhyw at 10:17 AM EDT

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