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Kick Assiest Blog
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Coward Deanpeace Redefines Morality for MLK Group; Falsely Claims GOP Cited Lack of Morals for 2004 Losses
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Democratic chair Dean woos civil rights group founded by MLK

Portraying Democrats as the people of real moral values, Howard Dean addressed Martin Luther King Jr.'s civil rights organization on Tuesday amid complaints his party has taken black voters for granted too long.

In a swipe at Republicans who campaign on a conservative agenda that includes opposition to abortion and gay marriage, Dean told the Southern Christian Leadership Conference that Democrats believe in moral values like feeding hungry children and providing health insurance to everyone.

"They say we didn't win the election last time because of moral values. The opposite is true," said Dean, who lost a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and is now party chairman.

"If the election had been held on moral values last time, the Democrats would have won. Why is that? Because more people agree with our moral values," he said.

Dean repeatedly lavished praise on the SCLC, founded by King and two other pastors in 1957, and he met privately with leaders of the organization and black elected officials attending the group's annual meeting, which concludes Wednesday.

While Dean's luncheon talk was interrupted several times by applause, longtime activist J.L. Chestnut said many members feel uneasy about both the Democratic and Republican parties.

"Everything here is not as pleasant as it appears," said Chestnut, 74, an attorney from Selma. "There's been a sense in the black community for years that the Democratic Party takes us for granted and the other party ignores us."

Chestnut said blacks would have left the Democratic Party "in droves" if not for the fact many don't consider the GOP a real alternative with its conservative Southern base. Dean, Chestnut said, "is bright enough to understand that."

SCLC treasurer Spiver Gordon said many blacks are tired of Democratic leaders "writing off" the South, and the organization is seeking more money for Southern voter registration drives from the Democratic National Committee.

Gordon said leaders also want to make sure that Dean understands the issues that are important to Southern blacks. "The extension of the Voting Rights Act is at the top of the agenda," said Gordon.

Key parts of the 1965 law expire in two years, including a section that requires states with a history of racial discrimination to get federal approval before changing voting laws or redrawing district lines. Congress must extend the provision in 2007 for it to remain on the books.

But Dean, recalling Republican efforts to get anti-gay marriage measures on state ballots last year, said he expects GOP leaders to use the time before the 2008 election to push anti-immigration proposals that could help invigorate conservative voters.

"The Southern Christian Leadership Conference knows very well about vigilante justice, and we don't want to go back to those days," Dean said.

Dateline Alabama ~ Associated Press - Jay Reeves ** Democratic chair Dean woos civil rights group founded by MLK

Posted by uhyw at 3:31 PM EDT

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